Peaches, pears & plums

‘Tis the season for the bounty of harvest. This mixed fruit box showcases the seasonally-ripe stone fruit available late-August through September: peaches, pears and plums!

We grow several varieties of peaches that ripen at different times through the end of September. We started with Red Haven (no longer available), and now are picking Red Globe. Elberta and J.H. Hale are soon to come, and the grand finale of the season is the O’Henry peach. The fruit stand will have these peaches already picked and - depending the day - U-picks will be available too.

For plums, we have Black Amber, Santa Rosa and Simka…all purple with yellow flesh. Perfect of lunches or an afternoon snack.

Bartlett pears are picked green on purpose. Pears need to be OUT of refrigeration and left on the back counter as they will slowly turn a beautiful golden yellow. Judge when to eat a pear not but it’s feel, but by the color. People often tell me that they don’t like pears. Then they eat a ripe one and are converts for life.

Have a question? Send us a note or just ask one of our lovely fruit stand staffers (aka the Girl Army!) during your next visit.


Closing Sept 30th


Niagra Springs